Monday, December 26, 2016

Personal Research Update


I am not sure of the status of this blog, as I officially completed the Advanced STEM Research course last year. However, I would love to continue to update with my work on both this project and individual robotics assignments. Therefore, I will use it as such and move my work to another blog if I have to.

The current challenge I am tackling involves MATLAB and the Kleiber Mechanism for Drawing Ellipsis as seen on this link.

I hope everyone is having a great winter time and that you enjoy the new year!

-Isabelle Greenberg

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Preparing for Presentation Recordings

I have been fairly silent on the blog for some time because of some limits and being distracted by school. I will summarize and show my final work in the presentation, but I recently took more recordings. These should be useful soon, and I wanted to make them available for future use. My schedule and plan will also be posted and any goals that were met will have an excited update.

This is the file with the recordings.

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Combining and Editting Examples

I am currently working on using the saveload profile (my overview of that example can be found here) in combination with a separate app that connects to the headset. Right now it indicates that the separate, original app I called connectionTesting has no errors on its own, but I have to work a bit with the architectures. Maybe it is because my phone needs an update, or that X code does, but I will find the source of the error. More info to be posted soon, but I wanted to mention my current plans.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Girls in Science and Engineering Day!

It was amazing to help represent Elro at this event, as only 2 other high schools were there! I got to discuss my project through Advanced STEM research, teach the visitors, and learn about other interesting projects. A more detailed follow up will be posted, but here are some highlights:

Big thanks to Mr. Lin for helping to inspire and coordinate the project and to my mom who helped me put it all together!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Girls in Science and Engineering Day and Team 6!

I will be giving a presentation on electroencephalography for Girls in Science and Engineering day on the Intrepid. This should be an exciting experience, and I get to teach many visitors that will be at the event. Not only that, I will learn from the other student presenters and keynote speakers that I will be with.

The information on the event can be found at this link.

Expect an update on how the event went on either Saturday or Sunday.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Progress Report: Save/Load Profiles

There is another example app that I just found. It should be a useful function for my personal app. This example code adds a new user and their previous experience is uploaded. By adding a user, I mean that it brings up your Emotiv ID Account after typing in the username and password. The Emotiv ID is key to any work done through Emotiv; Through it, you can download examples, the SDK, and purchase programs. It also stores any training done previously, as long as you were logged on during the training. The training is any kind of baseline scan done or mental commands. In order for there to be accurate results from recordings, the algorithms need some data to go off of. the Emotiv ID profile provides the previously done data by the user, allowing the user to immediately start new and accurate measurements.

What this all means for my project is two things: I could have a new user make an account before using the app and have them sign in when the app starts up, or I can attempt to make an account made up of various people's data. The first option is the simplest and will definitively result in accurate assessments; but it also would take more time. The second option may not be accurate, because the accounts are meant for one person only, but it would be a very speedy startup. For example, I can have 10 people from the class do baseline scans and mental commands on an account named something like "researchGeneral". Then, use this account as an immediate sign in for the app when it opens. I know that multiple recordings with the "Emotiv Insight" app will not negatively affect results. This is because the exercises are meant to be done multiple times, and won't be overwrote with new data. However, the "Mental Commands" might be hurt because it is uniquely tailored for a single user after the baselines are recorded.

Once the component is incorporated with what I am working on, I will weight the pros and cons, and maybe test out putting in the data from many people. It is a lot of fun to record, so I would hope others will willingly do this for me. I won't set a date yet, but I will work to make it as soon as I can.

Screenshot time (descriptions are below the images)! When I have the code in, I want to change the phrasing of some of the messages.

This is my account that worked with my correct password. After I logged in and clicked save, it showed me this status.

I made up a user to see the response when using an incorrect profile.

This occurred after clicking "save profile" or "load profile" 

This status is pretty self explanatory.

This status is also easy to understand.

This is a new challenge that Emotiv provides that is working to get data from many, many users. It wants to see the EEG data when people attempt to memorize words over 2 minutes. This challenge makes me think that a large general account will work, since Emotiv are compiling the info together in the same way I want to.

The official, Emotiv app got a new color scheme that is prettier to the eyes than the old one. As a reference to the older one, look at this link.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Progress Report: Personal App Errors and Planning

I am working on the first prototype app. It will explore the functions of the app and the algorithms already provided by the company. It connects to the headset, yet I'm still working on some errors with the declaration of the functions. I was able to sort out more of my ideas with this break, which was very useful.


  • Testing and recording with headset (I think I found a way faster way to put on the headset than my current method)
  • Downloading and experimenting with Emotiv examples
  • Working through the personal, function testing app
  • It is calling the declarations of the functions invalid even though they are explicit in the header, but the issue might be in the header itself. One more file might have to be downloaded to define the header iedk.h (this has most of the functions to connect and show different scores)
  • Downloading times
  • Fix errors before/during class on Tuesday
  • Download personal app again and make the values work real time (The errors have to be fixed before this)
  • Get past this testing phase to be able to make something that can do decisions and be deeper
  • Hurry it up!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Progress Report: Apps Downloaded!

Hello All!

The issue that I had been having with the examples provided by x-code has been fixed. The answer was that the bluetooth library doesn't work through the simulator, so it was necessary to download them on an IPhone device. I have been making some recordings with these apps, and I took some screenshots.


Each represent different parts of their complete Emotiv Insight and Mental Commands apps. My plan is to now use the Emotional States project as a resource and update and download the app I am currently working on. This will be a kind of functionality test as I brainstorm innovative ways to use this technology. Problems might be incorporating the functions, but this will be easy to fix because I can test the app now.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

X Code

I am in the process of downloading the latest version so that my phone can download the app. I have confirmation that this should fix the linker error that I have been receiving. I will update with screenshots after everything has downloaded and is set tomorrow. Patience is a virtue, and I will work with it.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Progress Report


  • Editing app
  • Working with headset
  • Made more recordings of raw EEG data
  • Finished report and read up on Apple's troubleshooting pages (for the current errors)
  • Emailed Emotiv
  • Apple Mach-O Linker Error and architecture problems
  • Issues connecting with headset
  • Framework problem
  • No response from Emotiv (It has been four days, and they promised it would be in 72 hours)
  • Get rid of errors
  • Wait for Emotiv response
  • When not working on app I will be continuing tutorials (side plan/idea)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Progress Report Belated

There are repairs happening to my apartment, and because of this I couldn't write the report over the break. I will have to do the report on Wednesday instead of the regular Sunday. This is just an update.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Gantt Chart & Powerpoint (Fixed)

Click here for my gantt chart that will be used in the presentation. To view, just download the file and open it. Google Drive doesn't has a preview option of it before you do this.

For the powerpoint itself, click here. This will also serve as my progress report for the week, since I will document all that I have done recently in it.

These are the links themselves in case the ones I created earlier don't work:

Thank you very much for reading, and I can't wait to see all the progress we have made!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year Progress Report

First of all, happy new years! Here's hoping for an exciting and research filled 2016!

Secondly, I am pretty much done with a slightly simplified version of my app, yet I am facing some irritating errors. I am planning on doing downloads and such with Mr. Lin's Apple account in class on Tuesday, January 5th, while I finish up my errors during open lab on Monday the 4th. I've done some more review as I have been on brainwaves, but I am mostly focusing on the headset itself for now. More details will be published throughout the week, and I hope that everyone made great progress over the break!

-Isabelle Greenberg