Monday, October 26, 2015

Progress Report 1 (10-25-15)


  • Downloaded the example code from the Emotiv database
  • Found a more extensive description of the difference between the two headset models on the Emotiv website, giving me more details with what comes with the EEG version of the headset.
  • The EEG version gives the raw data and other programs, while the non-EEG just has their se algorithms. Here are the details:

    Basic SDK
    The Emotiv SDK provides an effective development environment that integrates well with new and existing frameworks and is now available to independent developers. It includes our proprietary software toolkit that exposes our APIs and detection libraries. 
    Facial Expressions
    This suite uses the signals measured by the Emotiv Brainwear to interpret user facial expressions in real-time.  Artificial intelligence can now respond to users naturally, in ways only humans have been able to until now. When a user smiles, their avatar can mimic the expression even before they are aware of their own feelings.
    Performance Metrics & Emotional States
    This suite monitors user emotional states in real-time. It provides an extra dimension in human computer interaction by allowing the application/game to respond to a user's emotions. Characters can transform in response to the user's feeling. Music, scene lighting and effects can be tailored to heighten the experience for the user in real-time. These algorithms can be used to monitor user state of mind and allow developers to adjust difficulty to suit each situation.
    Mental Commands
    This detection suite reads and interprets a user's conscious thoughts and intent. Users can manipulate virtual objects using only the power of their thought! For the first time, the fantasy of magic and supernatural power can be experienced.

    EEG Access
    When you purchase EEG data access, your headset will be equipped with EEG Firmware that allows the real-time display of raw EEG data stream, contact quality, FFT, motion sensors, wireless packet acquisition/loss display, and marker events in our exclusive TestBench software:
    TestBench™ software provides:
    Real-time display of the Emotiv headset data stream, including EEG, contact quality, FFT, gyro, wireless packet acquisition/loss display, marker events, headset battery level.
    Record and replay files in binary EEGLAB format1. Command line file converter included to produce .csv format.
    Define and insert timed markers into the data stream, including on-screen buttons and defined serial port events. Markers are stored in EEG data file
    Marker definitions can be saved and reloaded. Markers are displayed in real time and playback modes. 
    Export screenshot for documentation

    TestBench™ features include:
    EEG display:
    5 second rolling time window (chart recorder mode)
    ALL or selected channels can be displayed
    Automatic or manual scaling (individual channel display mode)
    Adjustable channel offset (multi-channel display mode)
    Synchronized marker window

    FFT display:
    Selected channel only
    ALL or selected channels can be displayed
    Adjustable sampling window size (in samples)
    Adjustable update rate (in samples)
    dB mode – power or amplitude calculations
    dB scale
    FFT window methods: Hanning, Hamming, Hann, Blackman, Rectangle
    Predefined and custom sub-band histogram display – Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, custom bands
    Gyro display:
    5 second rolling time window (chart recorder mode)
    X and Y deflection
    Data Packet display:
    5 second rolling graph of Packet Counter output
    Packet loss – integrated count of missing data packets
    Verify data integrity for wireless transmission link
    Data Recording and Playback:
    Fully adjustable slider, play/pause/exit controls.
    Subject and record ID, date, start time recorded in file naming convention.

  • The FFT display can be made by OpenVIBE, so technically if it is compatible, we could purchase the cheaper headset.
  • Created an OpenVIBE account on the forum to ask various questions about the compatibility of the platform
  • Received a response from the OpenVIBE team (this is described more in the problems section)

  • The example code requires a headset for it to be able to run, and produces errors if not set up
  • The Emotiv forum has not responded to my posts, and the answered questions are vague and confusing
  • While it is great that openVIBE responded to me, they did not give any good news. They said that they do not have the Insight in their offices but they guess that it is not compatible. This is because of two reasons; the channel characteristics are different and the API is different than the EPOC.

I might have no choice but to use the EPOC for various reasons. Firstly, a major component of the team is that I am supposed to collaborate with the openVIBE group. They would be extremely helpful, but what am I supposed to do if the headset doesn't even work with the platform? The order will also take almost three weeks to process, pushing back farther and farther my development process. I do not know if the headset could even be shipped after that time. I need to go over this progress and the details available to me on Tuesday. After I talk to Mr. Lin about all this, I will choose and then update the blog on Sunday. 

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